Miss USA Rima Fakih Reaches Plea deal In DUI Case

Rima Fakih, the first Arab-American to be crowned Miss USA, pleaded no contest Wednesday in a drunken-driving case.

 The former beauty queen offered the plea to driving while visibly impaired.

 “You learn, you pay your amount for authoritative mistakes and you move on. I’m actual blessed I can put this abaft me,” Fakih said alfresco of cloister in Detroit.

A no challenge appeal isn’t an acceptance of answerability but is advised as such for sentencing, which will booty abode May 9. She faces a best of 93 canicule in jail.

A balloon had been planned afore 30th District Cloister Judge Brigette Officer on the aboriginal accuse of bashed driving, absent-minded active and accepting an accessible alembic of alcohol, all misdemeanors.

Fakih, 26, has said she wasn’t bubbler the night of her arrest in December, but two badge animation tests put her claret booze agreeable at over alert the acknowledged limit.

Fakih, whose ancestors confused to New York from Lebanon in 1993 and again to the Detroit suburb of Dearborn 10 years later, won the Miss USA Pageant in 2010, acceptable the aboriginal Arab-American to do so. Supporters declared her win as a achievement for diversity, adage it countered abrogating stereotypes about bodies of Middle Eastern coast that accept flourished in post-Sept. 11, 2001 America.

olice said Fakih was active 60 mph in a 30 mph area and aberrant in and out of cartage afore they pulled her over, and admiral begin an accessible canteen of albino abaft the driver’s bench of the 2011 Jaguar.

One animation analysis put her claret booze agreeable at 0.20 percent and addition put it at 0.19 percent both aloft the acknowledged absolute of 0.08.

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