Brain tests give insight into Williams syndrome

A look inside the thoughts of hypersocial people with Williams syndrome has unveiled how the inherited problem impacts the mind.

People with Williams syndrome are known for their friendliness, although this tends to be coupled with heightened anxieties.

Mbemba Jabbi at the Nationwide Organizations of Health in Bethesda,Maryland, and colleagues studied MRI  tests of 14 individuals with the signs. They discovered that the insula a mind location engaged in sentiment  was lesser than in 23 individuals without the signs.

When Jabbi's team used PET tests to analyze the insula in more details, though, they discovered that one area of the right insula was bigger in individuals with Williams signs. Those with more excessive individuality variations had more brain here.

The conclusions could help estimate how social the signs of the signs might create, says  Debbie Riby at Newcastle University, UK. However, the individuals who took part in the study have a normal IQ, which is common of only a tiny proportion of those with Williams  syndrome, she says.

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