Dark Shadows’ movie trailer reveals Tim Burton at his strength

The first film trailer for Tim Burton’s new film, Dark Shadows, hit this week and the film took an unusual turn for the unusual with Johnny Depp at his oddest.

The new Dark Shadows film trailer came out on tv and the Internet on March ut hit the film displays on Marchenjoying before 21 Jump Street.

The film trailer begins out looking like another dark, medieval tale. In traditional Burton style, it seemed like Dark Shadows was going to be in the problematic vein of Sweeney Todd, the Burton version of the medieval level play about a mass-murdering barber. However, that is not what this film trailer finished up presenting. Burton seems to be going away from the medieval soap opera of the original classic vampire story.

Dark Shadows was an real unnatural soap opera that shown on ABC tv from 1966 to 1971. Despite the skeletons, wizards, and spirits, it was still, at heart, a detergent safari about a family and their unique dramas.

The film version of Dark Shadows is not a medieval dilemma, but instead looks to be more in line with Burtons more modern attractions, with suggestions of Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands. Add to that fact that Ashton Depp is at his oddest in the film trailer, which says a lot for the man who performed Captain Jack Sparrow.

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