Cher is not deceased - newest superstar Tweets loss of life hoax

Music celebrity Cher is not deceased, so relax. No need to try to reverse time.

Rumors got going Thursday evening (Jan. 26) and into Exclusive day, mostly on Tweets, where "RIP Cher" became a trending subject. The kerfuffle may have began with individual Lorraine Star, who "retweeted" an obviously bogus CNN tweet: "RT @CNN: National documenting artisan Cher passes away at 65 decades of age. Discovered deceased in Malibu house."

This Lorraine individual calls herself a "Rihanna lookalike," so seemingly she is attached to creating up many incorrect elements on Tweets.

It may have also began with Overweight University Young lady, who tweeted, "lighting a vanilla flavouring candlestick for cher. RIP CHER."

Either way, the gossip propagate quick enough to deceive a few other stars. Kim Kardashian was tweeting,

"Did I juist notice Cher has approved away? Is this real? OMG" and "I wish this is a twitter scam and not actual. I don't see it on the information anywhere. I'm wishing its not actual..."

We have never quite realized out why individuals do elements like this. It's not crazy. Or a excellent bogus. It's just type of stupid.

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