Barney Frank Has a Useless In Clothing Malfunction

Barney Honest has never been known for looking put together, but his attire for his presentation on the Home ground Monday is gaining a bit of web awareness for being especially ... distressing. Frank's lumination blue T-shirt, as caught by Enterprise Insider's Zeke Burns, doesn't do quite enough to cover his hard nips, and politically (and otherwise) oriented individuals on Tweets are having some fun at the cost of the Boston title, who last 30 days declared his strategy to stop working. "Eye napalm!" laughed the HuffPostHill profile. "Did they convert off the heat?" demands a former Ted Kennedy staffer. We think Bloomberg's Joshua Eco-friendly probably best verbalized our effect with the easy "GAH!" Don't let it get to you, Honest, (we know you won't.) In pension, you can dress in whatever you like.

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