Brandon Jacobs say Rex Ryan: 'Time to convert up, fat boy

After per weeks duration of backpage discussion between the  Jets and Giants  major up to Saturday's activity -- much of it musings from Aircraft Instructor Rex He about his crew's expected brilliance -- one Large determined it wasn't enough to let his golf club's engage in do the discussing in the awaken of its 29-14 win.

"Time to turn up, fat boy!" Leaders RB Brandon Jacobs screamed at He, per The (Newark) Star-Ledger.

Per the (New York) Day-to-day Information, Jacobs also sent a "shut the (expletive) up" to Rex, who evidently countered with "go (expletive) himself."

Ryan's take from his postgame media convention when requested about Jacobs?
"We had a personal discussion. That's all I'll depart it as," he said.

"He doesn't like me. I admiration him, but I couldn't care less about him."

NFL System specialist Deion Sanders recommended Jacobs, known as an psychological form, was out of range on GameDay Ultimate.

"That's a no-no in our activity," said Sanders of an opposition gamer lashing out at an opposition coach. And Rex is liked, man, he's esteemed by everybody in the sport."
"That's very inappropriate.

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