The economy of Pakistan rapidly low

ISLAMABAD: The World Bank has called Pakistan's economy, the worst in the region where per capita income is falling and unemployment is rising.
The World Bank has released his report on the economy of Pakistan that the Pakistani economy is sinking down quickly. The report revealed that natural disasters such as floods, security issues and political differences are the main obstacle in the path of development.
The current unemployment rate is 13 percent, while 18 percent of people are forced to live their lives under the poverty line in the country. Pakistan needs about three million jobs, but jobs were not increasing flood and now adds fuel to the fire and damage the economy even more.
It was also reported to the WB report that the number of the country's GDP was 5 percent in 1990, which fell to 2.5 percent. The report also criticized the support to the energy sector. The World Bank has also been rejected by the facts and figures in the budget, saying that they were invented.
The report revealed that Pakistan has been lingering behind the other SAARC countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh, and economically. The main reason for the financial crisis in Pakistan is that the government has taken a loan of high interest rates lead to inflation


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