Reno air race plane crash

RENO, Nevada - The scene of an accident at Reno air race that killed nine people reveals the violence of the missiles, and in terms of impact - a crater in the asphalt about 3 feet deep and 8 meters in diameter, with debris scattered over an acre.
Year site visit, it emerged that the 1940 model plane has gone straight down the front rows of the VIP boxes, which is based on the position of the crater.
The car was hit about 65 feet in front of the front edge of the stadium where thousands of people were watching the aircraft accelerated on Friday, a few hundred meters from the ground.
Some members of the crowd have reported noticing a strange gurgling noise in the engine from the top of the first P51 Mustang, dubbed the Galloping Ghost, strongly tilted upward and spinning took a dive as soon as the crowd.
The plane, piloted by a rider 74 years and veteran Hollywood stunt pilot, disintegrated in a ball of dust, dirt and organisms, as cries of "Oh, my God!" Spread through the crowd .
The death toll rose to nine on Saturday, the researchers determined that many spectators were killed on impact, because the car seemed to lose a piece of the tail, before hitting the track crowded.
Joraanstad Noah, 25, said he looked terrified as the plane is hurtling towards old where he was sitting in the VIP section. He started to run, then he walked away.
Shrapnel hit his back, narrowly missing his spine and kidneys. He had nine stitches in his head and was covered with fuel that burned her skin as spectators tried to wash it.
When you looked around, the car was gone. "It looked like someone just sprinkled with LEGO in every direction," said


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