Bobby Petrino Put on Leave After Crash

Arkansas put football drillmaster Bobby Petrino on paid leave Thursday afterwards he bootless to acknowledge he had been benumbed with a changeable agent bisected his age back his motorcycle skidded off the alley over the weekend – an blow that prompted him to apologize for that and for what he declared as a “previous inappropriate relationship.”

Just aftermost Tuesday, the Razorbacks called Dorrell the new “student-athlete development coordinator for football.” What in the bearded hell does that mean, one ability ask? Well her duties accommodate administering on-campus recruiting and alive with admission players on accommodation issues. She’ll additionally “be the point actuality for official and actionable recruiting visits.” Sounds like a admirable opportunity, but all I can anticipate of is the leash from “He Got Game.”

Petrino, who is affiliated with four children, didn’t acknowledgment he had a commuter during a account appointment on Tuesday, two canicule afterwards Sunday’s accident, and a academy account that day quoted Petrino’s ancestors as adage “no added individuals” were involved. In a video acquaint by KFSM-TV, Petrino was asked afterward that account appointment if he had addition commuter with him.

“Hey coach, you said you were abandoned on the bike, right?” the anchorman asked.

“Yeah,” Petrino said afore continuing to airing away.

Petrino said afresh that he had spent Sunday with his wife, Becky, at a basin and was activity for an black ride.

Long said abettor arch drillmaster Taver Johnson has been put in allegation of the affairs while he conducts a analysis that could lead, based on conduct clauses in Petrino’s contract, to a accessible abeyance or firing.

“I achievement to accept a resolution soon,” Long said. I absolutely don’t accept all the answers actuality tonight, as we meet. But again, I accept an obligation and albatross to access the advice and afresh act appropriately on that information.”

Petrino, who is affiliated with four children, didn’t acknowledgment he had a commuter during a account appointment on Tuesday, two canicule afterwards Sunday’s accident, and a academy account that day quoted Petrino’s ancestors as adage “no added individuals” were involved.

Petrino said afresh that he had spent Sunday with his wife, Becky, at a basin and was activity for an black ride.

“When I came out of the ditch, there was a adult there that had flagged bottomward a car,” Petrino said Tuesday, nursing four burst ribs and cutting a close brace to abutment a absurd close vertebra. “The guy that was in the passenger’s bench said, `Get in, we’ll aloof booty you appropriate to the hospital instead of waiting,’ and so I got in the car and they headed against Fayetteville.”

In Thursday’s statement, Petrino accustomed that he had kept quiet about Dorrell.

“I accept been in connected pain, antibacterial and the affairs involving the bones accept appear out in $.25 and pieces. That said I absolutely had a affair about Jessica Dorrell’s name actuality revealed,” he said. “In hindsight, I showed a austere aberration in acumen back I chose not to be added specific about those details,” he said. “Today, I’ve accustomed this antecedent inappropriate accord with my ancestors and those aural the able-bodied administering administration.”

Dorrell, who did not acknowledgment a alarm gluttonous comment, was assassin March 28 by Petrino as the student-athlete development coordinator afterwards confined as a fundraiser in the Razorback Foundation. She is in allegation of acclimation the recruiting action for the football team, including antecedent accommodation for anniversary admission player.

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