Sofia Vergara Host SNL

Get ready for cleavage, mangled English, and a accomplished lot of yelling: Modern Family brilliant Sofia Vergara is hosting SNL for the aboriginal time.

Though the promos appear beforehand this anniversary don’t attending decidedly promising, I’m acquisitive that we’ll see Vergara actualization a bit of versatility on tonight’s show. Afterwards all, the woman is a backstab Emmy appointee and she has able banana timing in two languages, which is no accessible feat. (Lindsay Lohan couldn’t administer to bore a punchline while speaking English exclusively.) If SNL‘s writers let her angle her comedic anatomy and don’t carefully stick to jokes about accents and hotness, Vergara could absolutely shine. Maybe in one sketch, she could alike comedy a actualization who isn’t accurately South American! Can you imagine?

Of course, Vergara’s achievement isn’t the alone affair to watch out for tonight. This is the show’s aboriginal adventure aback afterwards a month-long hiatus, acceptation that the casting and creatives accept had time to relax, rejuvenate, and anticipate up account account that don’t absorb Kristen Wiig talking like a Howard Hawks character. We’re additionally activity to be advised to performances by amid dreams One Direction, a accumulation that hearkens aback to the acceptable old canicule of nontheatening, bogus boy bands.
And finally, tonight marks the aboriginal actualization of accessible new featured amateur Kate McKinnon. In a casting that’s blimp with accomplished women, it may be boxy for McKinnon to accomplish an consequence but it’ll be absorbing to see whether she manages to angle out.

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