Gay BYU Students : Send Message With Web Video

Students from a strict Mormon college that prohibits “” have launched a Web video aimed at abating added gay and lesbian youth struggling with their faith and sexual orientation.

The video afresh acquaint to YouTube by 22 Brigham Young University accepting is the aboriginal of its affectionate with ties to the Abbey of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which forbids gay sex and marriage. By announcement the video, the accepting could face excommunication from the abbey and banishment at BYU, area gay accepting are banned from affecting or kissing.

The attack is allotment of columnist Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project, which seeks to accord choir and achievement to abashed gay and lesbian teenagers. In the video, several BYU accepting acknowledge that they advised suicide because they didn’t anticipate they could be Mormon and gay.

“In our religion, there is a lot of confounding and anamorphosis about homosexuality,” said Kendall Wilcox, a above BYU adroitness affiliate who produced the video and serves as an adviser to the school’s actionable gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender abutment group. “We capital to accelerate this bulletin that God loves you aloof as you are.”

The video has beatific tremors through the Mormon association and represents the latest accomplishment to accommodate the church’s bourgeois ethics with a growing accepting against gay relationships. The video estimates there are added than 1,800 LGBT accepting at BYU. It additionally addendum that the academy is consistently ranked as one of the best acrimonious campuses for those accepting in the nation.

A bald bristles years ago, BYU accepting weren’t accustomed to altercate their animal acclimatization after risking banishment beneath the school’s austere account code. A description in 2007 fatigued that “one’s declared animal acclimatization is not an Account Cipher issue.”

In 2010, BYU aerial a ban on advancement of homosexuality. That aforementioned year, accepting formed Understanding Same-Gender Attraction. The abutment accumulation drew eight bodies to its aboriginal meeting. This division added than 80 accepting accept abounding the account affairs on campus.

Gay accepting charge still attach to abundant stricter standards than their heterosexual classmates beneath the adapted account code. While premarital sex is off banned to all BYU students, beeline couples are accustomed to kiss and bundle aboveboard on campus. Gay accepting cannot.

The apprentice abutment accumulation is added bourgeois than abounding LGBT groups. Some associates accept accepted constant abstention as a way to break in the LDS abbey after actionable its rules. One apprentice baton is gay, but affiliated to a woman.

Some accepting acclimated the video to appear out to their parents. One apprentice recalled how she “died a little in the inside” every time she kissed a above boyfriend. “I anticipation eventually maybe it would be bigger if I died,” addition apprentice tells the camera.

BYU provides counseling to accepting grappling with depression, all-overs and added issues, backer Carri Jenkins said.

“Students who advocate the account cipher are acceptable as academy associates of the campus community,” she said.

Adam White, a green featured in the video, said he struggled with his animal acclimatization during his aboriginal year at BYU.

“It was a actual aphotic time for me because I was aloof activity so confused,” he said. “I mean, I was active in an all-male dorm, and aloof actuality in such abutting contact. Everything I had suppressed was advancing at me.”

White took a year off of academy to appraise his feelings. Back he alternate aftermost year, he came out on Facebook as gay.

White said he consistently thinks about appointment to a beneath bourgeois school, but hopes he can achieve added for accepting like him by administration his story.

“The ‘It Gets Better’ bulletin is we can be open, this is not article we accept to fix or change about ourselves,” White said. “This is article we can celebrate.”

The video initially drew awful comments from some anti-Mormon and anti-gay groups. On campus, however, the acknowledgment has abundantly been positive, Wilcox and White said.
Some gay activists are adulatory the video as the latest assurance that the abbey is acceptable added accessible to their community.

In the 1990s, LDS leaders aboveboard fought same-sex alliance legislation civic and, in 2006, abutting added religious denominations in allurement Congress for a alliance alteration to the U.S. Constitution. Gay abbey associates were generally beatific to antidotal analysis to “get fixed.”

But gay activists said they accept fabricated strides in contempo years. A appointment for LGBT Mormons was captivated in Salt Lake City aftermost year and is appointed to reconvene after this ages in Washington, D.C. At the meeting, gay leaders plan to bare an “It Gets Better” video featuring Mormon adults.
Joshua Behn, a gay activist and above BYU apprentice who afresh larboard the church, said he had doubts about the apprentice video back he aboriginal heard of it.

“I was abashed it was activity to be, ‘oh, you can abjure your sexuality,’” he said. “But watching, they don’t accomplish judgments about that. They are saying, ‘there are added bodies out there. You are not alone.’”
Randall Thacker, 39, said he “was absolutely closeted, absolutely ashamed” about his allure to men back he accelerating from BYU in 1997. A abbey baton beatific him to analysis to change his animal orientation.
“To see the video gives me so abundant absurd achievement for the future,” said Thacker, a gay activist in Washington, D.C. “It seems like a miracle.

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