Robert Pattinson Afraid of Humor

Robert Pattinson has promised never to appear on Saturday Night Live  Stay  because he’s too terrified.

The performing professional believes he’d be “terrible” at trying to be insane on-demand.

“Doing insane is challenging. I would be dreadful. Individuals have requested me to do factors like Sunday Evening Stay, and there is just no way, not in a thousand decades,” he said.

“That’s just way too terrifying.

“I used to not proper value what anyone believed about anything. Now I’m pressured into considering factors if I want to have a profession. Maybe it’s because I’m mature.

“I used to be a little bit wilder, but it’s challenging to do that now. I used to want to do the craziest factors, as I had no knowing that I had an viewers. All I desired to do was unusual products, but it’s different now  many people have an anticipations. You have to think about factors logically.”

Rob lately was adament he’ll never do shirtless performing.

“I’d have to create a life-style modify if I desired to do shirtless performing,” he said.

“But it seems like every individual performing professional on the planet is going a ‘Taylor Lautner’ landscape it’s insane. They have a landscape where they move out with like a 12-pack. It’s like, ‘Really? You are enjoying a regular guy! That makes no feeling.’

“But which is a must of being an performing professional. Or you can get fat.

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