By Anne McCaffrey, From "Dragon Riders" Fantasies 85 Dies

By Anne McCaffrey, sci-fi author, known as the Dragon Lady of his best-selling series of novels for young adults, "Knights of the Dragons and Pern," died Monday in County Wicklow, Ireland. He was 85
Cause was a stroke, his publisher, Random House, told The Associated Press. Ms. McCaffrey, who had lived in Ireland since 1970, died at his home, Dragon Hold - so called, liked to say, because he had to pay dragons.
The author of dozens of books in a wave of different series, Ms. McCaffrey undoubtedly best known for "Dragon Riders", written over four decades and more than 20 novels.
This series, which is known to fit the elements of fantasy in the pure science fiction, takes place on the planet-collar, that Earthlings are installed. A utopian idyll in the first place, the straps degenerated, after centuries of human occupation in a feudal society stretched.
The greatest threat mated Wire, a deadly type of Spore, rain regularly. To fight against these Threadfalls, people have cultivated a kind of open air, the telepathic dragons and very friendly with the spirit of fire can overcome the wire. Throughout the series, the protagonists Ms. McCaffrey. - Often, young women or children - the right kind Galactic clock, redoubtable knights astride their mounts scales surge
Series, which began in 1968, "Dragon in flight", including "Dragon Quest", "Dragon Song", "Dragondrums", "Master Harper is Pern," and more recently the "Dragon Time," written for his son, Todd McCaffrey, and published this year.
As the designer, Ms. McCaffrey was not uniformly appreciated. Review of "Dragonsdawn" The New York Times Book Review in 1989, Gerald Jonas wrote about him, "Few people are better at mixing elements of fantasy in the world, and the narrative of the hard science that disarms the suspicion of his open embrace Wish happy to meet ", but accuse him of" awkward comparisons "and" schematic descriptions. "
But the commercial success of "Dragonriders of Pern" more than offset any criticism. The books sold millions of copies and inspired a cornucopia of online fan fiction and a number of academic studies.
A world of groups were so all-encompassing for those who said it led to a match, "The Lover's Guide to the collar dragon" by Jody Lynn Nye, with Ms. McCaffrey.
Anne Inez McCaffrey was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1, 1926. She received a BA in Slavic languages ​​and literature from Radcliffe, and trained as an actor and opera singer before writing his life was taken to the world of opera of a different nature.
His first novel, "restored", was released in 1967. A work of satirical science fiction for adults, he mocked like image of women as property with no defense.
The plot of the novel, as summarized in reference book writers and artists for young adults set in motion when it is strong, sophisticated heroin, Sara, "is torn from Central Park by a vessel flying low . "
Sarah wakes to find himself "restored" - that is, wearing a new body - in a world that combines sophisticated technology with a great social regressive.
Ms. McCaffrey honors include the two most prestigious awards of its kind: a Hugo, who won in 1968 for his novel "Weyr Search," later joined the Dragonriders series and nebula, from the novel "Dragonriders" is also included in the series.
His lack of Pern books include "The ship who sang", "partnership" with Margaret Ball, and "The city who fought" with SM Stirling.
The marriage of Ms. McCaffrey Horace Wright Johnson ended in divorce. Besides his son Todd, who is survived by a son, Alec Johnson, a daughter, Georgeanne Kennedy and grandchildren.
It has been the subject of a biography, "Anne McCaffrey: a life of Dragons" by Robin Roberts, published in 2007 by University Press of Mississippi.
Ms. McCaffrey, an amateur archaeologist horse breeder, has often been asked why the dragons? "You can approach a dragon that can be for a horse," he said in an interview with National Public Radio in 2007. "Horses are intelligent in their own borders, but the dragons are very intelligent

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