Skull Abroad In Peru, Almost Certainly A Fraud Of Some Kind

Just like all the other times an unexplained artifact surfaces, only to be later in the light, news and much less high-profile, if the alien skull purported to have been located in Peru.
Like most "evidence" of extraterrestrial presence on Earth is "alien skull" remarkably similar to humans in appearance, with a level human-like characteristics outside the elongated shape of the skull. (Critics of believers in UFOs often suggested that the likelihood of exotic species should look like the man so closely is low.) Some theorize that the skull is that of a hydrocephalic child, and anthropologists are said to have arrived in the city Andahuaylillas in the southern province Quispicanchi of Peru to study the strange artifact.
. "Conduct further studies" London Daily Mail quoted the person who discovered the skull, Davila Riquelme, who says that anthropologists of Spain and Russia "agreement [the skull]" was not a human being "and is the document says :
"Although the assessment was superficial, it is obvious that the properties do not correspond to any ethnic group in the world."
The remains of an eyeball right decision will help determine your genetic DNA - and dispel the controversy, whether human or not.
Another possible explanation of the skull is a tribal rite, which has been known in some areas related to changes in the skull. The practice has been known to occur in at least the last 9000 years, and says:
The desired shape, the head was wrapped in a cloth. Case, the flattening of the skull, the head was sandwiched between two pieces of wood. Technique should generally be done for the child, when the skull is the most flexible. Fabric must be applied one month after birth and kept in place for about six months

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