Prince William With The Rescue Mission Of The Irish Sea

Prince William joined the frantic rescue mission Sunday after cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea, where many of the crew members still missing.
The second line to the British throne, who is a Royal Air Force helicopter, known professionally as Flight Lieutenant William Wales, was aboard a plane that rescued two crew members Sunday morning after their boat suffered a cracked hull in a wind storm off the coast of northern Wales.
UK Ministry of Defence said William was the co-pilot and the helicopter with two people back to his RAF Valley, is the island of Anglesey in Wales.
Authorities said five people still missing after the Swans charge, there were eight people on board and brought thousands of tons of limestone, sent a distress call.
Holyhead Coastguard said a body was recovered from the sea, but the fate of the other crew members was not known.
"We know that at least some of them wearing immersion suits and strobe lights are with them, but sea conditions are challenging at best," said Jim Green, representing the Coast Guard.
Rescue helicopters at RAF Valley and Dublin-based Irish Coast Guard was dispatched to the scene, about 20 miles northwest of the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales.
Helicopters from RAF Chivenor in the south-west England and the Irish Coast Guard continues search for missing crew, and ships of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
"Two RNLI lifeboats and four search and rescue helicopters, and two other commercial vessels, searching for the remaining six crew members", RNLI said in a statement.
Strong winds battered the Irish Sea on Sunday and the Coast Guard said it believed that the poor could have caused the incident

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