Sarah Palin

Citing unnamed sources, reported the New York Magazine Fox News chief was "furious" that Palin has announced its long-awaited decision in 2012 demonstrate the conservative radio host Mark Levin on October 05., Above the network that keeps its a million dollar contract.
Later that night, after the whirlwind media had already begun, Palin appeared on Fox for an interview with Greta Van Susteren to confirm his decision, but the reports of the magazine editor Gabriel Sherman that the bridge had been burned.
"Ailes was so angry, he had to pull it off the air completely, until his $ 1 million per year contract expires in 2013," Sherman wrote.
Palin's representatives declined to comment on the story, and Fox News did not respond to CNN requests for comment.
For most of the year, was the world of new policies in the laser Palin, closely monitoring every interview she gave when she obviously regarded as an offer to the White House. An expert regular prime time on Fox News, it has often been asked to influence the 2012 presidential election cycle.
No official announcement, said Sherman, was a big boost for Fox News notes.
"I paid two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes reportedly told Fox News vice president Bill Shine, a network of contact for the team of Palin.
Alas comments "came to a meeting with other Fox employees, some of whom spoke anonymously in New York on the explosion.
The report said that Palin has decided to announce the frustration show with Fox Levin gives more air time for Karl Rove, a Palin critic and former political strategist for President George W. Bush.
At the same time, Levin had "become the biggest draw, Palin is the conservative commentators, and Palin is known for rewarding loyalists and punishing his opponents," Sherman wrote.
Wings threatened to "bench" Sarah Palin continues to pay him, but to remove her air time. Sherman wrote that the former governor of Alaska has finally apologized.
While Sarah Palin was thrown out of the game, his influence still carries weight in the 2012 campaign as his coveted endorsement can be a key factor in a horse race of the GOP, which varies from one month .
When is he who comes to this statement is unknown, but the Sherman points out, can save that of Fox

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