Cyber ​​Monday: Big Business, Record Sales

New York - to ignore the lines on Black Friday? There's still Cyber ​​Monday - and analysts expect a lot of offers to bring the issue of online sales this year.
Andrew Lipsman, industry analyst firm ComScore to follow-up data, reported sales for the one-day shopping event is expected to hit a record $ 1.2 billion this year.
Almost all major retail chains plan to enjoy the hottest days to shop online. According to 's eHoliday survey, eight out of ten online stores offer promotions on Cyber ​​Monday.
A survey by comparison shopping site, Denmark found that 39% of consumers planned to shop in the weekend of four days of Thanksgiving, said their intention to do so on Cyber ​​Monday . It is up 2 percentage points since last year.
This is a trend analysts call "couch commerce" - the more people want money online from the comfort of their homes and head out to the shops.
Lelah Manz, Director of Trading Strategies and Akamai, cited the increase in the Tablet PC in the last year as a game-changer of the major e-commerce.
"If you think the concept of Cyber ​​Monday was the first born, was a time when people had dial-up connection at home - was a place for the office or workplace, where they could access sites, "said Manz. "Now everyone has a broadband connection. People have the tablets, they can get online in the past and in the home, and retailers are trying to capture share of mind."
According to a report from IBM Coremetrics, 15% of web traffic in the United States in November will come from smartphones and Tablet PC in place. To take advantage of this traffic, retailers are implementing traffic earlier this year, said Manz.
As advertising space is precious snatched large distributors, retailers lose over the medium-sized Cyber ​​Monday offers to put in the spotlight also said Graham Jones, Chief Executive Officer PriceGrabber.
"What we saw last year - a large number of medium-sized retailers, who were not in front of consumers, then it is they who flee to the offerings," said Jones "Most. As these deals come out is a role of retailers do not want to be expelled from the center of attention. "
But do not expect online offers in front of Cyber ​​Monday to influence the big day. According to a survey by, nearly 60% of employees go online to buy holiday gifts at work, and many retailers are waiting for Monday to push some of the best campaigns.
"Consumers expect the best holiday deals online at all Cyber ​​Monday," said Pam Goodfellow, BIGresearch Consumer Insights Director, in a statement. BIGresearch is a market research firm investigating the industry trade group National Retail Federation.
Online businesses are still largely Cyber ​​Monday to Paris and take measures in preparation for a day when online traffic is expected to increase. OpenSky, a platform that offers the online sale of products organized by several celebrities and influential people - Tom Colicchio as head designer Cynthia Rowley - was the site of efforts to ensure the functioning of the site.
"We expect that our biggest day ever - we have 10,000 new people every day with OpenSky and we expect sales to be five times larger than today," said founder John Caplan OpenSky. "We've made improvements to the site to make it faster. We have added the shipping options, gift packaging, customer service and all the men from the bridge during the holidays."
The company also intends to publish a lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, editor of the site - six months to move the company hopes will increase interest in online shopping the most important day of the year

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