The flow of tributes, quietly honors the Chicago Maggie Daley

The flags of the city were at half mast and memorial Bunting placed at the entrance to City Hall on Friday in silent tribute to the family of Maggie Daley of Chicago as the end of the first lady planned a funeral vigil ancient and honor the public of his life.
Ms. Daley, 68, whose life has been hailed by the White House to school for his contributions to the city and cultural charities, died Thursday evening with old Mayor Daley, Richard and his family at his side. They had been treated for metastatic breast cancer since 2002.
Daley family a wake service will be held from noon to 10 pm Sunday at Preston Bradley Hall Chicago Cultural Center, 77 E. Randolph St. A public funeral Mass was scheduled for 10:30 on Monday at Old St. Patrick Church, 700 W. Adams St.
The Rev. Jack Wall, pastor emeritus at Old St. Pat and a friend of the family tradition Daley said it was appropriate for Ms. Daley died on the night of Thanksgiving, because it was an important holiday for the family and families across Chicago.
"One of the things I think we all as seen in Chicago about Maggie is a strong sense of family. She was very aware of all our families," Wall said, noting that it was Mrs. Daley who made the promise of the husband to Sunday to book a private family activities as mayor.
"As the sun set, the day ended and people had finished their meal, she breathed her last. And I have a special feeling that she said" You do not need to call someone because you are with your family in this day and we are all together as a city surrounded by the people we love most and share this moment together, "Wall said.
Daley family will be at the root in the Cultural Center.
Honors from the political community of the city is mentioned in its efforts, including the arts, education and women's health.
"The mayor (of age) was a type of brick and mortar guys, and that certainly helped to see the importance of cultural things to the development of the city's image, appearance and reputation," said Ald. Walter Burnett, 27, who chairs the Special Events Committee of the City Council, Culture and Recreation.
"He saw the importance of cultural institutions to improve the lives of Chicagoans, particularly youth," said Burnett.
"Maggie is a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to public service. Although sorely missed, his initiatives for young people in Chicago live on national models of how to create environments for children to learn and grow outside the classroom, "said President Barack Obama in a statement.
Noting that its efforts to maintain the privacy of the family of the public eye, Obama said, "Maggie's commitment to children and people in Chicago were surpassed only by his devotion to his family."
Chicago Public Schools leaders said in a statement that its "dedication to enriching the lives of children throughout Chicago was unmatched by a single person in our lifetime."
U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, Senator of staff, and No. 2 ranking Democrat in the House, recalled a visit from Old St. Pat's Day St. Patrick's past.
Durbin said it was obvious that "Maggie's struggles were quickly forgotten as their grandchildren, dressed in their finest greens in the bank scrambled to see the Shannon Rovers pipe down the center aisle. She rich and radiant with the joy of loving parents and grandparents live. "
Ald. Edward Burke, 14, dean of the council, said Ms Daley's legacy to the city and his family is one of courage, "while the City Clerk Susana Mendoza is credited with the inspiration of Mrs. Daley of the city" dream bigger and do better. "
David Axelrod, the former mayor of longtime political advisor and media strategist senior Obama campaign said Mrs. Daley "was a person of grace and strength again."
"It created such a wonderful example of both how she lived and how she faces the end of life," said Axelrod. "Until the bitter end, it was a light around her , who warmed everyone around her. "
The mayor announced that Rahm Emanuel Memorial bunting was placed above the entrance to LaSalle Street in City Hall and the flower seems to be placed in the lobby of Grand Central government to sign a commemorative book. City Hall lobby is open from 8 am to four pm Saturday and Sunday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays for next week.
Memorial Cultural Center also shows bunting over the entrance on Washington Street and the lobby is a display of flowers and a commemorative book available on the Randolph Street lobby. The lobby is open from 9 to 06:00 on Saturday, 10 am, and eighteen Sunday 08:00 07:00 Monday to Thursday at 8 am on Friday, and eighteen.
Emanuel said the office, said the official day of mourning and a moment of silence to respect Mrs. Daley and the city council set the resolution as a tribute to its December 14 meeting

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