Security Issues Listed Dirty Dozen "smartphone Dangerous

A list of 12 smart phones, which is the highest security and privacy risks for consumers and businesses was released today by a producer of security software.
Phones, all models Android, "the dirty dozen list compiled by Bit9 in Waltham, Massachusetts are as follows:
• The Galaxy Mini Samsung
• Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
• HTC Wildfire
• Samsung Epic 4G
• LG Optimus S
• Samsung Galaxy S
• Motorola Droid X
• LG Optimus One
• Motorola Droid 2
• HTC Evo 4G
HTC Evo 4G
When compiling the list, Bit9, researchers looked at three things: the smartphone market, one that is out of date and insecure software model was the way it is and how long it took the phone to receive updates.
Collecting information for the study were researchers by surprise by the state of the Android ecosystem. "What is surprising for us was really the extent of the chaos and fragmentation that exists in the Android ecosystem itself, and how Android smartphones have been distributed and more importantly, how Security updates are done, "Harry Sverdlov said Bit9 CTO PC World.
LG Optimus S
The researchers found that 56 percent of Android phones on the market today is running out-of-date and insecure versions of the OS. Buy a new phone does skirt this problem, either. In some cases, the researchers found, mobile software included up to 300 days out of the box.
"If there are vulnerabilities, and you're sitting on the phone that has not been updated in six months is an eternity hackers," said Sverdlov. "All the time, there is a greater risk of infection, to take the personal information stolen, the victim of some kind of illegal activity."
The vulnerabilities are not what the "Dirty Dozen", so dirty, consider Sverdlov. "There are flaws in every program," he said. "Apple IOS and has many vulnerabilities in terms of what has been reported as not Android."
"The challenge is not so much to create the perfect software, but to know the vulnerabilities, and, above all, the software can be updated in order to respond to them quickly," he adds.
Droid 2
Apple has an advantage over Android is that it can push updates to their software for all its smartphones at the same time, he said. With Android, on the other hand, manufacturers and carriers are responsible for pushing updates.
"There are too many cooks in the kitchen," he says. "It 's like buying a PC from Dell and wait for the Dell, and Comcast is responsible for updates of Windows."
Sverdlov said that all players in the universe Android need to start thinking about smartphones as computers and not combined. "There must be some changes in the ecosystem itself," he added. "Manufacturers and carriers must begin to lose control of the operating system for software

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