Hulk Hogan Is In Your Divorce Atomic Legdropped

It makes no possibility of Hulk Hogan to stay out of our control and reality programming and retire with dignity (dignity is a relative term, of course). The Hulkster will need more money, because his ex-wife took most of his.
Hogan and his wife were divorced 26 years two years ago, but some details of their settlement was just revealed in a court filing obtained by the St. Petersburg Times. Linda Bollea gets 70 percent of the couple's savings and investments, 40 per cent of commercial Hulk, a "property settlement" of $ 3 million and "Mercedes-Benz, a Cadillac Escalade, a Corvette A Rolls-Royce and various off-road vehicles "-.
It's not all bad! Hulk can keep all the money he makes personal appearances, and not having to pay alimony. So he still has a little 'something to show for his problems, and your childhood is only 70 percent destroyed. At least there will always be the Ultimate Warrior ... oh.
Ex-wife of Hulk Hogan on the ropes in a divorce settlement

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